
See full details of David Bousfield Photography services at www.davidbousfield.org. There you can find details of prices, packages, examples of past work and comments from clients.


Wednesday 8 September 2010

Some Nice Feedback

I photographed the Wedding of a lovely couple, here's the feedback they sent me.

"David Bousfield Photographer

On the 26th June 2010 I was married in Newcastle upon Tyne. Finding a photographer who would provide a service we were looking for at the right price proved very difficult. However, after looking at many websites I stumbled across David Bousfield. His website showing his work was impressive together with his personal profile.

David visited Kevin and I at our home to discuss our requirements. David was very professional, listened to what we said and provided valuable assistance when planning the day.

When the day arrived, David was waiting at the venue to greet me with a warm and encouraging smile. He was extremely professional both in his dress (smartly dressed in a suit befitting the occasion) and his interaction with the guests.

David’s rapport with the guests was outstanding. Everyone warmed to him immediately, my young grandchildren who had major roles to play in the ceremony and throughout the day posed beautifully for him, again a testament that they had taken a great liking to him.

We are delighted with the results; David has captured some really special moments between Kevin and I as well as our guests.

I can honestly say that David enhanced the success of our day. All of our guests commented on what a great guy he was and Kevin and I have no hesitation in recommending him.

Jean Davison"

Tuesday 7 September 2010

mobile joy

just added blogger to my android, should make it easier yo update my blog, might even make me update it on a regular basis-here's hoping or not fepending on your persuassion
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8